Maple Ave & Rolfe Ave Pump Station FORCEMAIN REPLACEMENT Project, 2024-PS03, CWSRF No. 12483
Pump Station FORCEMAIN REPLACEMENT Project, 2024-PS03, CWSRF No. 12483
Bidding Closed
Bid Date |
10/23/24 12:15pm |
Please note that there are TWO Shrewsbury Maple Ave & Rolfe Ave projects currently bidding. One is pump stations replacement (Maple Avenue and Rolfe Avenue Pump Station Replacement Project, 2024-PS02, CWSRF No. 12483) and the other for a sewer forcemain replacement (Maple Ave & Rolfe Ave Pump Station Forcemain Replacement Project, 2024-PS03, CWSRF No. 12483). Please ensure that you have taken plans and specs for the correct project, as they are both listed sequentially on the Accent Printing online plan room.
The pump stations replacement project is being bid per MGL Chapter 149 with filed sub-bids, and the forcemain replacement project is being bid per MGL Chapter 30 with no filed sub-bids.
● All Bids Due on 10/23/24 at 12:15 PM.
For Printed Sets, NON-REFUNDABLE checks should be made out to Accent Printing. Complete sets only.
Printed sets can be picked up at Accent Printing, 99 Chelmsford Road, (Rear #13) No. Billerica 01862 after an order is placed.
Shipping via UPS is additional.