Tewksbury - Pringle Street & County Road Water Main Improvement Project (PW-21-12)

The work involves the following major item (s): Installation of approximately 7,200 linear feet of 8” and 6” ductile iron water main, approximately 2,100 linear feet of HDPE service piping, fittings, fire hydrants, ductile iron gate valves, temporary water main bypass and other related water system work on Pringle Street, Pomfret Road, County Road, Grove Street, South Street and Salem Road. Additional work includes approximately 550 tons of temporary trench paving, 1,900 tons of permanent trench paving and all other related work as specified.


Accepting Bids

Bid Date 1/31/25 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Town of Tewksbury
Alvaro Mendoza  
978-640-4440 ext. 233


Tewksbury, MA


All Bids Due on 01/31/25 at 2:00 PM.


For Printed Sets, NON-REFUNDABLE checks should be made out to Accent Printing. Complete sets only.

Printed sets can be picked up at Accent Printing, 99 Chelmsford Road, (Rear #13) No. Billerica 01862 after an order is placed.

Shipping via UPS is additional.